Onshore Wind
The delivery of reliable, renewable energy in Scotland is a high priority.
The Scottish Government has declared a climate emergency in April 2019 and set a target for Scotland to reduce emissions by 75% by 2030, and to become a ‘net-zero society by 2045’.
West Dunbartonshire Council declared a climate emergency in May 2019 and has set out a Climate Change Action Plan to respond to the climate emergency.
The UK Government has also set a target of net zero emissions by 2050. The Committee on Climate Change estimates that this would require a quadrupling of electricity generation from low carbon sources such as wind power in order to meet climate change goals such as the electrification of the transport and heat sectors.
The Vale of Leven project could produce up to approximately 195GWh each year, equivalent to the annual power needs of 52, 092 homes, depending on the ultimate design of the wind farm.
Through delivering Vale of Leven, we hope to provide a significant contribution towards these targets.